Sunday, November 4, 2012


Today's word of the day is: courage.

This is a word I've heard alot lately - I quit my job without another one lined up and people have been calling me "courageous".  I know this is a compliment but I wonder what does it really take to be considered courageous?  To me, getting out of a situation where I was very unhappy in order to fully pursue what makes me happy does not seem too courageous.  I think something that takes courage involves some known risk, fear or danger and moving forward anyways, right?  The risk I think other people see in my situation is giving up comfort, security and income that a steady job provides and dealing with some "unknowns".  For me, the risk of staying in the job was higher than the risks of leaving.  Being called courageous seems more fit for more valiant acts of bravery (for example, those people that saved others during Hurricane Sandy this past week!!) than leaving behind a bad job situation to pursue personal happiness and freedom!  I guess there is different levels of courage too though.  I do think people should celebrate their feats of bravery and courage, no matter how big or small. I'm curious to hear what others think...

What does courage mean to you?  Share some examples of a courageous act - either your own or someone else. 


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